European Music Festival 2017 – Asen Tanchev’ Recital

Date: from 02.06.2017 to
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Place: Bulgaria Chamber Hall

Start: 19:30h

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02.06.2017, Bulgaria Chamber Hall, 19:30

A Piano Recital – ASEN TANCHEV

Program: D. Scarlatti: Two Sonatas
L. van Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 30
P. Vladigerov: Bulgarian Rhapsody Vardar, Op. 16
R. Schumann: Three Romances, Oр. 28
M. Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition

Born 1992 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Asen Tanchev began his musical studies at the National School of Music “Lyubomir Pipkov”, Sofia.
Since 2009 Asen Tanchev studies at the University of Music, Drama and Media, Hannover, Germany in the piano class of prof. Arie Vardi. In 2012 he received one of the most important and renowned scholarships in Europe, namely the scholarship of the Foundation of the German people, becoming the first pianist with foreign citizenship in the history ouf this foundation to achieve this recognition.
Asen has given recitals, as well as concerts with orchestra and chamber ensembles in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, FYR Macedonia,

Part of the 2017 Sofia Municipality cultural events calendar.
Co-organized by the Ministry of Culture

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