Movie & Classics – European Music Festival 2020 – first date

Date: from 20.10.2020 to
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Place: Bulgaria Concert Hall

Start: 19:30h

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Due to popular demand, and in compliance with the pandemic-related seating restrictions in Bulgaria Hall, Cantus Firmus announces two dates – October 20 and 21, 2020 – for this event. The original date for this concert was April 8, 2020. 

All tickets for the April 8 concert can be used for 20 October without additional revalidation. 

20 October 2020, Bulgaria Concert Hall, 19:30 – first date

a multimedia concert

Soloists: Mila Georgieva, Violin
Georgi Cherkin, piano
Classic FM Radio Orchestra
Maxim Eshkenazy, conductor
Ivan Yurukov, multimedia

Program: Saint-Saens, Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Britten and film music from Star Wars, Harry Potter,  Pirates of the Caribbean among others.

EUROPEAN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2020 is part of the Sofia Municipality Cultural Events Calendar
Co-organizeer: Bulgarian Ministry of Culture
In Collaboration with the Sofia Philharmonic

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